
Recently, a video from Wuhan went viral on the Internet, in which a girl plays with a boy and finally causes him to fall down heavily. The girl’s parents are seen standing nearby but do nothing to stop her.


The video has sparked heated discussion on the Internet, with many people expressing their anger at the parents’ behavior. Some people suggest that the girl’s parents should be held accountable for their negligence.


It is true that the parents’ negligence is partly to blame. However, it should also be noted that the boy himself is also partly responsible for the incident. He should have known that the girl’s behavior is inappropriate and should have stopped her.


No matter who is responsible for the incident, parents should always keep an eye on their children and teach them to be more responsible and tolerant. At the same time, parents should also take the initiative to stop their children’s inappropriate behavior.


标题:女童玩耍致男子重摔 家长避而不见
